Frank Barone, MD, FACS
Plastic Surgeon
Toledo, Ohio

Being a woman is difficult in our society. There are a lot of external factors that can affect a woman’s self esteem to the point where their quality of life is impacted in a negative way. Dr. Frank Barone is a plastic surgeon in Toledo, Ohio who believes that improvements to a person’s appearance can have a positive impact on their self esteem and thusly improve their quality of life as well as how they approach living. Frank Barone, M.D., Plastic Surgery and evolv Medical Aesthetics (his medically based skin care practice) work closely to improve the quality of care for all of his patients.

We traveled to his office in Toledo to meet with two extraordinary women who came to Dr. Barone for very different reasons. Robin has been a stay-at-home mom who used to be a smoker as well as a one-time extreme sun worshipper. She was diagnosed with a form of cancer on her nose and the rest of her face was covered with pre-cancerous cells. Instead of undergoing a very pain surgery to remove the cancerous cells which would have left a hole in her nose where it was and required painful skin grafting. She went to Dr. Barone and what he and his team did was a new treatment using light activated medication along with a face peel that would treat her entire face. The results have been fantastic for her health and her quality of life. Robin has quit smoking and she is being proactive on living a better lifestyle.

“I take better care of my skin now then I ever have before. I really baby it,” she told Dr. Barone during her appointment. “I never leave the house without sun screen now.”

Another patient that we had the opportunity to film with was 37 year-old Shannon. At one point she was over 300 pounds. “It was emotionally devastating for me when I realized that I could not ride the rides with my son because of my size.”

At that point she decided that it was time to make a change. She always struggled with weight issues, being a little “bigger” according to her but now she made the life choice to change. She hit the gym and lost over 150 pounds. “People ask me how did I do it. I tell them, I put the fork down.”

As a result of such massive weight loss she had excessive skin. Dr. Barone was able to improve the appearance of her skin with a body lift. Now Shannon has more confidence then she can ever recall in the past. She will be the first to say that she still has work to do, but that does not mean she has overlooked just how much she has accomplished.

These two women have made changes to improve the quality of their lives for very different reasons. Women everywhere face challenges. These women were excited to be a part of “The Embrace of Aging: the female perspective of growing old” so that their stories may help their fellow sisters make positive changes in their lives.