Dr. Alireza Amirsadri

To help you understand just how important this interview was with Dr. Amirsadri, I first need you to see his credentials.

Alireza Amirsadri, M.D. is the chief Medical Officer and Director of clinical Operations for the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences (DPBN) at Wayne State University (WSU) School of Medicine after holding the position of Associate Chairmanship of Clinical Services in the same institution. Additionally, he holds the Medical Directorship of High Intervention Program for DPBN and Emergency Psychiatry for Detroit Medical Center (DMC) all in Detroit, Michigan.

Now that you have taken all that in, I need to say we could have talked for hours on the vast understanding of the human species, both male and female. 

It’s rare when you are put into a position of asking questions about feelings, emotions, etc. from a psychiatrist, especially one at the level of Dr. Amirsadri.  As we talked, I kept checking to see if he would break a sweat.   Cool and calm, he kept everyone on the edge of their seat.  It’s hard not to listen to him and relate everything he says to your own life. 

I am certain that the interview, which we did at the Detroit Institute of Arts in front of the painting called “Officers of the Hussars,” will be most crucial to our film on men and aging.