Tim Schramm - Howe Peterson Funeral Home

Tim Schramm, Vice President & Director of Howe Peterson Funeral Home, sat down and talked with us about his life as a funeral director in Michigan.

Tim, who is also the president of the Michigan Funeral Directors Association, went into great detail about how the funeral industry has changed over the years and the impact the baby boomers have had on how we view death and dying in 2015, as so many of them are having to face their own end of life issues.

Tim also described how the culture diversities in Southeastern Michigan affect us all and quite often he will see elements from one ethnicity flow into a funeral from the all-American type family.

Certainly the most emotional part of the interview was when Tim shared with us his experience of how his own father's funeral affected him personally. William Roy Schramm Sr. served as part of the Greatest Generation as a Marine during the Asian Pacific Theater.

As Tim held back tears coming down his face, remembering his father's funeral, he explained how important the grieving process is.

We are certain our time with Tim will be extremely important to this 13-part series
The Embrace of Dying, how we deal with the end of life.
