Linda Fitch - Afterlife Awareness Conference

Linda Fitch is a Shaman practitioner and is the former dean of the Healing the Light Body School as well as the former Executive Director of The Four Winds Society in Park City Utah. She teaches students and others about how to live and also how to embrace death.

This weekend we had the opportunity to witness Linda at work. From observing her workshop where she took the audience on a journey to the spiritual realm, conducting a sacred ceremony to working closing with our good friend Maire Kent, Linda is an astounding person.

She gave us an overview of the history of shamanism and clued us in that shamanistic ideals are everywhere throughout all religions.  Shaman principles and ideas have been around for nearly 20,000 years. She taught us about the spirit realms and how different cultures have embraced animals as spirit guides.

Linda was a major person of interest over the weekend and we are all fortunate to have met her. The bond between Linda and Maire is one of those unexpected encounters that develop into a lasting friendship.

To learn more about Linda you can visit